Indiana Backyard Observers

Create an Account

Create an Account with USA-NPN’s Nature’s Notebook online.

Create your own account with Nature’s Notebook at All you need is a valid email address. Be sure to indicate your participation with Indiana Phenology and Backyard Observers when you create the account.

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Hi, my name is Amelia Auberry and I'm a volunteer for Indiana Phenology.

In this video I will show you how to create an account with Nature's notebook, and how to join an Indiana Phenology Observer group within the Nature’s Notebook website.

Firstly, type into the search bar, which will bring you to the Nature's Notebook website.

Move your mouse over to the “Observe” dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Click on that menu then move your mouse down to the words “Become an observer”.

Click on “Become an observer”.

The site will bring you to this page.

Scroll down, then move your mouse over the words “Sign up here.”

Click on “Sign up here”.

The site will bring you to this page where you can create a new username and password, as well as fill in your email address.

Please use an existing email address to put into the box.

And now that you have typed in your basic information, scroll down to the words “Partner Groups.”

You have the option to join any of the following groups below, but we are focusing on the Indiana Phenology Observer groups

It is important to note that many organizations use the Nature's Notebook website, but not everyone who uses Nature's Notebook is a volunteer for Indiana Phenology.

Within the black square outline, scroll down until you see a gray plus sign with the words, “Indiana Phenology” next to it

Click on that gray plus sign to go to a dropdown menu of groups that are available for you to join under Indiana Phenology.

Click on one of those boxes to ensure that observations from your personal sites are added to the Indiana Phonology data sets.

You then click on the group “Indiana Backyard Observers”, and on any other groups you wish to join.

Please note that at any point you can add or remove yourself from any Nature's Notebook groups by logging into your account and changing your settings.

After making your selections, double-check the “Selected Items” section of the page to see if you clicked on all of the correct boxes.

Finish the process by going to the bottom of the page, agreeing to the terms, and clicking on the button with the words “I am not a robot.”

Then click the “Create new account” button on the bottom right hand side to do just that.

You did it!